Custom Orders

I have gotten a few inquiries concerning my creating custom babies.  In response, I have decided to post a price list for custom babies.  Please contact me with any specific questions or concerns.  You never know if you don't ask.  ;->
Prices to reproduce any babies you see on my site will differ, so email for reproductions.
With custom orders, here is  a list of prices and what you can expect:
All items are new and chosen especially for your baby
One beautiful reborn baby created and customized especially for you
One outfit ensemble which includes a onsie and socks or shoes
One baby blanket
One disposable diaper
One comb and set
One magnetic paci (can be excluded and substituted with an additional outfit if need be)
Reborn birth certificate signed by ME
Reborn care instructions
A quality, one-page collage of photos of your new baby

Please email me at for additional information.